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Des outils interactifs pour examplifier et comprendre le trouble de l'attention.
"While we have made great progress in understanding ADHD, it can still be difficult for some to grasp the impact it has on those who struggle with it. Let me show you what having ADHD sometimes feels like to me with a simple interactive game."
"Most developers have a fascination with novelty. If it’s new, then it must be an improvement", right?
Why acceptance is another worthy approach to finding peace online
Oh oh une section et un fil pour les choses apprises sur le tas..
je devrais en faire une aussi.
Je m'abonne sans hésiter, merci RSS, à ces astuces 😄 ...
A lightweight note-taking application that lets your thoughts flow naturally while keeping your tasks in check. NoteFlow transforms a single Markdown file into a modern web interface where notes and tasks coexist seamlessly. - Xafloc/NoteFlow
Nine months ago, we switched to a monorepo. Here is a retrospective on our experience with the switch so far.
It turns out the review apps are fundamentally incompatible with short-lived branches. We prefer to use feature flags.
Les polices et le thème du site me plaisent bien. Sous le coude pour inspiration.
Table of Contents Préambule Il était une fois, dans le royaume du développement, un développeur nommé John. En plein milieu d'un projet complexe, qui impliquait des fichiers de configuration .env et .yaml pour se connecter à une API tournant dans un conteneur Docker, John a commis l'impensable : il a ouvert un dépôt contenant uneLire la suite...
Sous le coude
Even with a lot of help from a good text editor, writing HTML can be a drag. Nice documents end up as tag-swamps with little bits of content perched atop hills of tabs. Editing them becomes a test of patience and we get sick at the thought of having to look at our once-loved text. It doesn't have to be like this! There's a lightweight, easygoing way to write HTML that's been around since the beginning of the web.
Via https://discourse.32bit.cafe/t/the-messy-pile-unplannedobsolescence-com/1559
This is the official specification of a new markup language that I just invented, being sick and tired of markdown, multimarkdown, github-flavored markdown, org, redmine, wiki, textile, fuckdown, and other fabulous, all different, plain-text “markup languages”.Plain text is great, when it comes about writing plain text. Please leave my plain text intact.
Just type the goddamn text and it'll come out literally.