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Nine months ago, we switched to a monorepo. Here is a retrospective on our experience with the switch so far.
Python 3.13 is out and it's time to run some benchmarks to see how well it performs with the new free-threaded mode.
So think twice before suggesting someone “just” [insert any task here]. You just might make them feel like an idiot.
Being a foreign software engineer in Tokyo has its ups and downs. If you work in a company of foreigners you’re mostly shielded from the experience, but if you work in an actual Japanese company…
On dirait bien que les américains ont choisi, autant via le vote populaire que les grands électeurs.
Mieux vaut en rire.
Des alternatives à Docker
In a previous post, we saw the importance of Web Accessibility and mentioned The WebAIM Million, an analysis by WebAIM on the current state of Web Accessibility of 1 million popular pages. The results were devastating: the analyzed home sites averaged almost 60 errors each, and the percentage of clean sites was less than 3%. But, there was a silver lining: most of the errors could be grouped into just a handful of categories. Out of a total of 59.6 million errors, 52.1 million were caused by only five easy-to-prevent problems: :: Blog post at Alvaro Montoro's Personal Website.
Pas mal de bibliothèques de style dans la catégorie retro et nostalgiques
Dont https://github.com/Gioni06/terminal.css ❤️
It turns out the review apps are fundamentally incompatible with short-lived branches. We prefer to use feature flags.
Les polices et le thème du site me plaisent bien. Sous le coude pour inspiration.
Une présentation de Google des années 2010s quand il y avait encore des voix qui s'élevaient en interne pour tirer la sonnette d'alarme face à l'attention accaparée par nos technologies et réseaux sociaux favoris et pointer la responsabilité des GAFAM dans cette situation.
Via https://stucky.tech/purpose/
Encore un language de markup en plain text pour la prise de notes
Via https://hn.trieve.ai/?score_threshold=5&page_size=30&prefetch_amount=30&rerank_type=none&highlightdelimiters=+%2C-%2C%2C.%2C%2C&highlight_threshold=0.85&highlight_max_length=50&highlight_max_num=50&highlight_window=0&recency_bias=0&highlight_results=true&use_quote_negated_terms=true&q=mobile+friendly+markup+language&storyType=story&matchAnyAuthorNames=&matchNoneAuthorNames=&popularityFilters=%7B%7D&sortby=relevance&dateRange=all&searchType=fulltext&page=1&getAISummary=false
After an English academic at Oxford complained about students’ attention spans, we get experts’ tips on enjoying the written word