6256 liens privés
💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws - dwmkerr/hacker-laws
Encore un site en mode texte.
Here is a list of text-only and clutter-free news sites:
A guide to common pages you can add to your website
Inspirational blog resources for both beginner bloggers and those who’ve been blogging for years. Tools, guides and tips for all blog platforms.
Encore un outil de génération de site minimaliste, inspiré de mkws.sh
The canvas-based IDE that makes navigation and refactoring 10x faster
In college, I took a life drawing class and learned a helpful sketching exercise I still like doing today. While drawing last night, I realized that I use the philosophy behind this exercise in my web design process and day-to-day life.
Sous le coude, encore un site au design minimaliste mais clair et au contenu intéressant.
A list of retro-inspired CSS frameworks and design systems - matt-auckland/retro-css
Des thèmes CSS retro/vintage pour votre site.
Via cette superbe liste https://discourse.32bit.cafe/t/resources-list-for-the-personal-web/49
Encore un site assez simple :-)
Ce site au design minimaliste retro m'inspire beaucoup.
Il est connecté à un vieil Android sur lequel tourne en permanence Shazam et collecte ainsi les musiques captées dans les environs. génial.
Via https://barnsworthburning.net/extracts/recCgMUfXlf0ic7Rt
Pas mal, on peut difficilement faire + simple comme système de blog/site qu'une arborescence brute de fichiers.
Une liste de sites conçus simplement.
Via https://www.chrismytton.com/articles/
Via https://quackquackgo.net/?q=web+minimalism+plain+text&lr=&qqg-date=1y&qqg-range-start=&qqg-range-end=&qqg-sort=default&qqg-exact=1