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Onboarding can be a very hectic and stressful time when you are starting a new job. New coworkers to meet, new codebases to learn, new languages to learn, new technologies, new processes, and the list can go on and on. Good onboarding materials and processes can go a long way when you're first starting out. However, it shouldn't just be a one way street where the company gives to you and you don't give back anything in return. Onboarding should be a collaborative and incremental process that every new hire actively contributes to. Things change from new hire(or onboarding class in larger companies) to new hire, especially in a fast moving startup. It is therefore not only up to the existing members but also the new hires to contribute to the onboarding experience and make it better over time.
In this post, I share how my team spent two years building an internal developer portal, only to discover it wasn’t solving our developers’ real pain points. By implementing a developer survey, we uncovered the true challenges our developers were facing and pivoted our focus to deliver tools that made a meaningful impact. Learn how understanding developer priorities can help your team avoid building the wrong tools and drive real productivity improvements.
joli fail d'UX.
Une collection des problèmes chiants d'UX qui viennent pourir l'utilisation de la technologie.
Via https://www.fromjason.xyz/p/notebook/where-have-all-the-websites-gone/
Comme Oh-My-Zsh mais pour les fans de bash :)
Une interface différente pour Jujutsu
Un webring de sites accessibles sur mobile
Sous le coude, encore un site au design minimaliste mais clair et au contenu intéressant.
A list of retro-inspired CSS frameworks and design systems - matt-auckland/retro-css
Des thèmes CSS retro/vintage pour votre site.
Via cette superbe liste https://discourse.32bit.cafe/t/resources-list-for-the-personal-web/49
Tmux is great. Tmux defaults are not. How to make use of a brilliant tool without breaking your fingers?
Tmux devient plus utilisable avec un peu de customisation pour réduire les manipulations les plus lourdes.
Via https://lobste.rs/s/laqkqb/we_need_more_zero_config_tools#c_y0qp8g
WTF :-) ... du pur troll mais une pépite. Attention l'UX pique les yeux mais c'est un peu le concept (scrollez, vous verrez).
Encore un site assez simple :-)
Pas mal, on peut difficilement faire + simple comme système de blog/site qu'une arborescence brute de fichiers.
Une liste de sites conçus simplement.
Via https://www.chrismytton.com/articles/
Via https://quackquackgo.net/?q=web+minimalism+plain+text&lr=&qqg-date=1y&qqg-range-start=&qqg-range-end=&qqg-sort=default&qqg-exact=1
Un bon site de presse indépendante belge, en + c'est un site au design et aux valeurs que j'apprécie beaucoup.