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Le site DevSecOps de Stéphane ROBERT
How we halved our memory consumption in Rails with jemalloc | by Carmen Chung | Ruby Inside | Medium
Ever noticed that your Rails app is consuming more memory while getting slower? We discuss how switching from malloc to jemalloc saved us memory and sped us up (and how it’s really easy to implement).
Argument against Python in Education Principal Author: Patricio Whittingslow Authors: Mario Rugiero Table of contents Table of contents Introduction Motivation Outline of Problems Problems It is hard to learn Readability Autoformatting Whitespace is code Exceptions Complex APIs Intellisense is w...
J'utilise beaucoup python pour des expérimentations d'idées donc je garde ceci pour lecture ultérieure.
Via https://registerspill.thorstenball.com/p/joy-and-curiosity-10
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Les forums n'ont pas disparu au contraire et selon moi restent supérieurs aux discord slack Whats-ever-apps, j'ai encore failli proposer un medium de ce type à notre chère copropriété où les personnes aigries et pleines d'égo par leur attitude déplorable sur le groupe WhatsApp motivent les plus sympas à partir en silence. Puis ayant déjà fait assez pour ce groupe épuisant et n'ayant pas envie de devoir supporter et modérer des propos haineux de voisins sur un truc que j'héberge, j'ai mis l'idée au placard
After 15 years in industry, I've come to realize that the most defining quality of a developer is his source of motivation.
Via https://registerspill.thorstenball.com/p/no-really-yagni
Onboarding can be a very hectic and stressful time when you are starting a new job. New coworkers to meet, new codebases to learn, new languages to learn, new technologies, new processes, and the list can go on and on. Good onboarding materials and processes can go a long way when you're first starting out. However, it shouldn't just be a one way street where the company gives to you and you don't give back anything in return. Onboarding should be a collaborative and incremental process that every new hire actively contributes to. Things change from new hire(or onboarding class in larger companies) to new hire, especially in a fast moving startup. It is therefore not only up to the existing members but also the new hires to contribute to the onboarding experience and make it better over time.
In this post, I share how my team spent two years building an internal developer portal, only to discover it wasn’t solving our developers’ real pain points. By implementing a developer survey, we uncovered the true challenges our developers were facing and pivoted our focus to deliver tools that made a meaningful impact. Learn how understanding developer priorities can help your team avoid building the wrong tools and drive real productivity improvements.
(Don't Fear) The Regex
Writing Javascript without a build system
Cool SWI-Prolog cuisine des images Docker.
The canvas-based IDE that makes navigation and refactoring 10x faster
Un outil du smolweb, développé par Ploum, pour les dingues de l'exploration du web et des flux RSS, compatible Gopher, Gemini.
Quelques astuces pour booster le temps de démarrage d'applications Elixir avec Docker.
Ma publication du jour car y en a qui confondent trop Harry Potter et l'informatique.
Code analysis firm sees no major benefits from AI dev tool when measuring key programming metrics, though others report incremental gains from coding copilots with emphasis on code review.
L'IA nuit à la productivité des développeurs presque autant qu'elle n'y contribue.
Bref ne vous bercez pas trop d'illusions.